The Dress a Girl Around the World Ministry is a group of ladies from COBC and the community, that meet once a month and sew dresses for God’s precious girls that live in poverty around the world. We believe each girl should have a new dress that gives them dignity, respect, hope and shows they are loved by God. We also have a wonderful time of fellowship and fun.
Dress a Dude ministry (based in Santa Cruz, CA) was started because we wanted the BOYS in developing countries to feel the love of Jesus, and to know they are valued and important as well as the girls who receive a dress. We make shorts in all different sizes for the boys. If you don’t sew but would like to help, we need t-shirts so the boys will receive a complete outfit.
We will teach anyone how to sew a dress. We have sewn over 900 dresses that have been taken to 24 countries around the world, by people going on short term mission trips. Our goals are to always glorify God. Join us as we continue to sew hundreds of beautiful dresses and encourage other ladies to join us in serving others.
We meet the second Tuesday of the month at Country Oaks Baptist Church at 4-8pm, share a potluck dinner and sew. For more information contact Margo.